Så kom der en lille fortsætter af
https://resingarden.danskforum.net/billedhistorier-f8/for-your-entertainment-mange-billeder-voksent-indhold-t2837.htmDet skal forresten lige siges at Suichi Og Gabriel er mine drenge og Aikina tilhøre Jullietxredrose... Så vores stories ommer lidt fra her og der
Men nu blev det altså min tur... ^w^
*feeling really sick*
Suichi: Hey you... Are you Okay?
Aikina: Im fine...
Suichi: Are you sure, i could....
Aikina: GO AWAY Brat, Im Fine!
*Suichi Walks away, to find Gabriel and make him talk to his sister*
Suichi: Uhm Gabe, I think Aikina is sick, but she wont let me talk to her...
could you maybe talk to her..??
Gabriel: I guess...*sight*
*Gabriel Goes to Aikina*
Gabriel: Oi there... You sick?
Aikina: *sight*
Aikina: Im fine... just a bit dizzy, thats all...
Gabriel: Hmm.. Maybe im going to hard on you.. *smirk*
Aikina: *Blush*
Aikina: No, thats not... Ive just been feeling a little nauseous lately...
Gabriel: Well, maybe you should get outta that bed... you've been in there for days...
*Aikina crawls up besides Gabe*
Gabriel: Feeling any better?
Aikina: *Shrug* No T_T
Gabriel: Here, come closer...
Aikina: Uhm.. gabe...
*Aikina Bends over, and makes some very.... repulsive sounds (Aka, Vomit)*
Gabe Thinking: Aw Man... Those pants are brand new! -_-
Gabriel: Uhm... Are you.. okay?
* About an hour and a shower later.. Gabe goes to see if Aikina is feeling any better*
Gabriel: sooo... how's it going?
Aikina: Uhm.. better..
Aikina:BTW Sorry 'bout the pants.. -.-
GAbriel: Nah its okay...
Gabriel: Soo... you've been like this for a while huh?
Aikina: well.. not all the time... but ive been nauseous every morning for a while...
Both Thinking: SHIT!!
*Knock on the door*
Gabriel: Dude.. Go Away!
*Suichi enters*
Suichi: Why ya all looking so down... ??
Aikina : Well.. it seems.....
ENDE! -.-