Buts er en lille ræv som Lud har lært at kende i løbet af de sidste par måneder. En dag dukkede Buts up.
Buts er ikke særlig god til engelsk, men jeg håber i vil bære over med ham.
Lude: "...So you think we're off the hook for now?"
Carson: "Well, there ain't no accountin' for her whims. Like that time with the rubber duck..."
Lude: "Yeah, that was really goddam..."
*There's a knock at the door*
Lude: "Aw man! She's probably locked herself out again!"
Carson: "Your turn. I did the vacuum cleaning."
Lude: "Only because you wanted to redesign the damn cleaner."
Carson: "Worked like a charm. Get the door, feather boy."
Lude: "Did you bring any Luckies? You know Louise, maybe you should hide a set of keys under the goddam... huh?"
Buts: "hello..."
Buts: "Can I stays here?"
Lude: "... Um... Sure! Uh, what the hell are you doing here?"
Buts: "I had to go from home. I didn't know where to go but to your place."
Buts: "I misset you Lude! I been very scared!"
Lude: "Aw hey, I missed you too. Come on, let me show you this place."
Lude: "This is the bedroom."
Buts: "Wow, it's really big."
Lude: "Yeah, and pretty goddam comfy. Nice bed, huh?"
Buts: "Yes very nice. Do you sleep here?"
Lude: "Sometimes." *cough* "Hey, need me to hold that board for you? Looks pretty heavy..."
Buts: "Yes thanks. What other rooms is here?"
Lude: "Not that many. Let me show you the rest..." *slides off bed*
Lude: "Wanna ride on my shoulder?"
Buts: "Yay!"
Lude: "This is the living room. It's where we usually hang out."
Buts: "This is also really big..."
Lude: "All the better for us to mess up. Come on, let's go say hi to Carson."
Lude: "Hey, Carson! Say hello to Buts, he's gonna stay here with us..."
Carson: "Hello there, Buts."
"Hello Carson."Carson: "Did you pick up this rodent on one of your nights out?"
Lude: "Shut it, cretin."
Buts: "I didn't get what he says.."
Lude: "Nevermind Carson, he's just mean 'cuz he's lonely." *climbs into the couch*
Buts: "I'm happy I can live here. It's really good of you!"
Lude: "Hey, no prob. The more, the merrier."
Buts: *Cuddles up to Lude* "This is good."
Lude: "Yeah, take a rest. Then tomorrow we'll make you a little hideaway."
Buts: "Mmm.... zzZZzzzz..."