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 Abel and his boyfriend (CP Chiwoo and DS Hound)

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2 deltagere


Antal indlæg : 215
Age : 39
Geografisk sted : Give
Registration date : 29/12/08

Abel and his boyfriend (CP Chiwoo and DS Hound) Empty
IndlægEmne: Abel and his boyfriend (CP Chiwoo and DS Hound)   Abel and his boyfriend (CP Chiwoo and DS Hound) Icon_minitimeTirs Feb 07, 2012 4:53 am

Hound er min <3 Chiwoo er chuchu's <3

Abel and his boyfriend (CP Chiwoo and DS Hound) IMG_0765

Abel and his boyfriend (CP Chiwoo and DS Hound) IMG_0766
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Antal indlæg : 139
Age : 33
Geografisk sted : Aalborg
Registration date : 07/02/12

Abel and his boyfriend (CP Chiwoo and DS Hound) Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Abel and his boyfriend (CP Chiwoo and DS Hound)   Abel and his boyfriend (CP Chiwoo and DS Hound) Icon_minitimeOns Feb 08, 2012 8:27 pm

Hvor er de flotte! Elsker Abels læber, man får helt lyst til at kysse ham - hvis man måtte for din hound :p
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Abel and his boyfriend (CP Chiwoo and DS Hound)
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» Abel [Cp-Chiwoo] Oneshot
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