Knægtene har en hyggeaften...
Chrome: ”Ha, bet you haven’t got the balls to play strip poker with us!”
Lude: “Course I have! I can beat you two morons any time…”
Daniel: *smug* “We’ll see about that….”
Chrome: “Okay, first round. Who’s gonna lose this one?”
Daniel: “Either you or the angel. I am ineffable.”
Lude: “Yeah,whatever.”
Chrome: *lost in thoughts, thinking of his boyfriend*
Daniel: *hums*
Lude: “Dirty Harry? That sounds really goddam nasty.”
Daniel: *smirks* "Why don't you give it a taste.”
Daniel: *whispers* “None of these idiots notice anything.”
Two rounds later ....Chrome: “So, how does it feel to be on the way to nakedness?”
Lude: “You should be asking yourself that same damn question.”
Daniel: “Hmmm….”
Chrome: ”How’s it going over there?”
Lude: “Goin’ just fine. Got a really nice hand here.”
Daniel: “Yeah, you can put that to some good use.”
Og natten går...Lude: “Oh man… Um.”
Daniel: ooO (I think I’m gonna win this one as well.)
Chrome: ooO (I think it’s going pretty well. ‘S good for featherboy to show some skin. And nice skin, that is.)
Chrome: “Hey, what are you doing, Daniel?”
Daniel: “Nothing!”
Lude: "Are you cheating?! What the hell is up with that?!"
Daniel: "..."
Chrome: "Oh no, here we go."
Daniel: “Jeez, relax, it’s just a game…”
Chrome: “Oh god.”
Lude: “I’m going home now! Screw you faggot vampires! You set me up!” *stomps off*
Chrome: “What did you have to do that for!”
Daniel: *hisses* “If some retard hadn’t blown my cover, he’d be all naked by now! Besides, he’ll be back. He forgot his cigarettes.”
Bonusbilleder jeg synes blev gode:
Har leget lidt med sepia:
Synes det her er ret hot. :3
Tak til Mary og Kinuuni for at lade mig låne James og Daniel, og for kamera, rekvisitter og lade mig rulle rundt på deres stuegulv.
Jeg ved godt at lyset ikke er optimalt, og jeg var nødt til at tage shootet to gange, fordi jeg fuckede op. D: Jeg har ikke lavet noget photoshopping, og resultatet er ikke perfekt ... men jeg synes det var sjovt, og det er blevet rimelig godt.
Håber I kan lide det, og tak for kigget!